Jennifer Tishler
Position title: Associate Director of CREECA
Phone: (608) 262-3379
1155 Observatory Drive
210 Ingraham Hall
Education: B.A., Russian, Mount Holyoke College, 1987; M.A., Russian Language and Literature, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1993; PhD, Slavic Languages and Literature, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1999.
Affiliated Departments: Associate Director of the Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia (CREECA); affiliation with Gender and Women’s Studies.
About Me: I am the lead staff member responsible for managing the daily operations of the Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia (CREECA). My work combines academic administration, advising, grant writing, and project management for CREECA’s many programs, such as the Pushkin Summer Institute and our National Resource Center and Foreign Language and Area Studies grants. As associate director of CREECA, I also have the opportunity to teach two undergraduate courses each academic year.
Selected Publications:
“‘Menty’ and the Petersburg Myth: TV Cops in Russia’s ‘Crime Capital,’ Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture 10.2 (2003): 127-141.
“Using Literature to Teach the Lessons of Chernobyl” Chernobyl: The Event and the Aftermath, Norma Berkowitz and Michael Patrick, eds. Friends of Chernobyl Centers, U.S.: Madison, WI, 2001.
Reference Essays:
“Lidiia Chukovskaia,” “Sergei Gandlevsky,” “Hero-cities,” “Tatianin den,” “Liia Akhedzhakova,” “Oleg Basilashvili,” “Viacheslav Tikhonov,” “Chernobyl’,” “Piskarev Cemetery,” “Aleksandr Nevzorov,” “Novyi mir,” “Mit’ki,” “Idushchie vmeste,” and “Anatolii Sobchak,” Routledge Encyclopedia of Contemporary Russian Culture, Karen Evans-Romaine, Helena Goscilo and Tatiana Smorodinskaya, eds. London: Routledge (2006).
“Anatolii Kuznetsov” and “Sergei Zalygin,” Dictionary of Literary Biography: Russian Prose Writer After WWII, Christine A. Rydel, ed. Bruccoli Clark Layman (2005).