Wisconsin Russia Project Young Scholars Workshop
With funding from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Wisconsin Russia Project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison will host a two-day workshop for young scholars in the social sciences with a focus on contemporary Russia. The conference will be held on July 26-27, 2018 in Madison, Wisconsin. Abstracts for papers in the following five thematic areas are invited: 1) education, labor markets, and inequality; 2) law and society; 3) political economy; 4) identity, place, and migration; and 5) demographic change. The working language of the conference will be English. Preference will be given to graduate students currently enrolled in a Ph.D. or kandidat program or to those within 5 years of completing such studies. Those beyond 8 years will not be considered. Proposals from scholars based in Russian universities are especially encouraged.
For all participants who are selected to present a paper, conference expenses—including airfare, hotel accommodations in Madison, and meals during the conference—will be covered. The Wisconsin Russia Project can offer invitation letters for the purpose of applying for a visitor (B) visa to the United States and will reimburse the visa application fee for accepted participants who do not already posses a valid visa.
To present a paper at the CREECA Young Scholars Conference, please use this application to submit a proposal by February 1, 2018. All submissions will be acknowledged and considered, and all applicants will be informed of the status of their proposals no later than March 1, 2018. [Special note for UW-Madison participants: Wisconsin Russia Project scholars (post-doctoral research fellows, graduate research assistants, and visiting graduate student fellows) as well as other UW-Madison Ph.D. students in the social sciences who work on Russia should not complete the full application. Instead, submit the title and abstract for your talk (indicating which of the 5 thematic areas your paper addresses) to russiaproject@creeca.wisc.edu by February 1, 2018.]
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